Nationalism in the history of the left: The study of Iran's left historiographical reading of the nation and nationalism: A thematic analysis.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sociology/Faculty of Social Sciences/Shiraz University/Shiraz City

2 Department of Sociology/Faculty of Social Sciences/Shiraz University/Shiraz



The research focuses on the case of Iran to explore how Iranian leftist historiography has engaged with the concepts of "nation" and "nationalism." The study was conducted within a conceptual framework derived from the analysis of the relationship between Marxism and nationalism, using Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis method (in a comparative approach). After selecting 13 texts from 9 leftist Iranian historians through theoretical sampling and conducting a comparative thematic analysis, 12 main themes and two sub-themes were identified. The comparative analysis of these themes, based on the study's conceptual framework, led to the identification of two types of leftist historiography: 1) Orthodox Left History, and 2) Neo-Marxist Left History. The first type, with the central theme of "Iranian Feudalism," focuses on analyzing Iran's feudal structure. The second, more recent type, reduces the historical understanding of Iran to a structural and ahistorical constant: "Iranian Despotism." In the first type, a meaningful silence regarding the concepts of nation and nationalism was observed. However, in Neo-Marxist left historiography, the concepts of nation and nationalism are actively present. The nation is perceived within a class structure, in opposition to the state, particularly during moments of struggle (revolution). Hence, in this type of history, the nation is seen as a fluid reality. Additionally, nationalism is presented at two levels: mass and state, both as ideological tools for mobilization, assimilation, and political homogenization. In this historiography, mass nationalism is viewed positively, while state nationalism is seen antagonistically, likened to "the opium of the masses."


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