Typology of the Iranian family facing the Corona crisis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Sociology. Teacher of Farhangian University

2 Assistant Professor in Social Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University



One of the main objectives of this study is typology of how Iranian families are copeing with coronavirus crisis. This research was conducted qualitatively and for data collecting, we used in-depth interviews with 14 participants also we additional conversations with their family members. According to this research Families can be divided into three categories based on the family communication model and organizing of individual actions, also according to how they deal with coronavirus outbreak. This category includes: Consensual families; Active and goal-oriented actions, Laissez-faire families; Passive and emotional actions and Laissez-faire / protective families; unpredictable actions. The most important difference between these groups are how they are managing their relationships at home. One of the most important features of Consensual families are high level of conversation, which leads to better knowledge about family members and corrects previous behavioral patterns about each other as a result reduces tension between members. But in Laissez-faire families lower level of conversation and the lack of knowing and understanding each other also crises and issues caused by coronavirus increase tensions. So The most important effect of this approach is to spend more time outdoors due to the existence of tension at home environment, which is effective in more people getting the disease. also the most important feature in the third type of families is unpredictability, which is a combination of the two previous groups.


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