Social Factors Affecting Drug Relapse Prevention among Young Addicted in Miyaneh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Faculty of Social Science

2 , Master of Sociology, University of Tehran, Faculty of Social Science


This paper attempts to investigate the social factors that affect addiction disuse. We attempted to look at the addiction disuse from a special perspective emphasizing social factors including family, NA association, friends, occupational attitude, social position, believing in norms and moral principles, and religious edifications. Applying the theory of social control to analyze the issue of relapse prevention, our primary assumptionis that there is a direct relationship between five principal variables of dependency, commitment, busyness, belief and social positionfrom one side and drug abandonment from the other side.We surveyed young members of NA association in Miyaneh located in Eastern Azarbayejan. Our results regarding the relationship between research variables show that among the five independent variables, commitment has a direct and meaningful relationship with misuse cutting, and other variables have an indirect relation with it. Commitment has the most direct and indirect effect and busyness has the least indirect effect on the addiction disuse. In other words, social control has more effect on disuse persistence of thoseyoung addicted that consume both traditional and industrial narcotics compare to those who use just traditional narcotics.


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