The Influence of Family Relationships on the Level of Social Deviances in a Society

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, social science Dept; University of Tehran

2 PHD student, Social Science, University of Mazandaran


In some societies, kinship relationships of family members create a type of emotional and internal solidarity that has important results. The current research is an effort to study the influence of kinship bonds on social deviances. Theoretical framework is a combination of different theories, such as: social solidarity theory of Emil Durkheim, social connection theory of Travis Hirschi, thoughts of Ivan Nye and, Sampson and Laub. According to the theoretical framework, internalization of social norms and values and commitment, can be a great preventer from the deviant behavior. Consequently, the level of social deviance is reduced in the community. Based on the control theory, the power of social bonds has a reverse relationship with involvement in criminal behavior.
The main method of the research is secondary analysis of data which is gathered by other researches or institutions. We have used two kinds of data; (A) a national survey which was done in all provinces and (B) the official data about crimes and deviances. The main hypothesis of our study is that those provinces which have weak family and kinship bonds will experience more social deviances. In the other words, strong and enduring relationships between family members will result in reduction of social deviances. The results showed that high instability and weak family relationships and low belonging and affiliation to family in a province, leads to high rate of delinquencies and deviations.


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