Social construction of stigma and Medicalization of Mental issues

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Member


stigma is a social-cultural constructed of fluid and alive that many people are facing with in human communities. In the realm of health, stigma is among the important factors affecting in deepening of gaps between the patient and the treatment. stigmas interpreted in different forms due to social conditions and people's thoughts. These interpretations are effective in community’s interaction with the depressed, the patient's attitude and reaction to illness. Stigma affects on all aspects of life such as housing, jobs and health insurance. The main purposes of this survey are the study of stigmatization process from patient’s point of view and discover their subjective meaning and sociological aspect of stigmatization that is more important territory which has been investigated in this research. This essay remarks with a social Constructionism approach in anthropology and sociology and with raising questions from type of how of nature of subjective-definition and construction of social–cultural of issues associated with depression by stigmatization in TABRIZ – IRAN. The applied method is qualitative for absorption participants (18 people) , data collection, and in-depth interview which is used by the grounded theory for data analyzing and extracting results. This research shows that stigmatization involved with depression is a social-cultural constructed and The main contribution is in medicalization of depression.


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