Presenting a model grounded theory to the study of womens sexual harassment and insecurity feeling in hospital

Document Type : Research Paper


Esfahan University. Faculty of Litrature and Humanity. Social Science Department


The aim of the present research is investigating women sexual harassment and insecurity at workplace using qualitative approach (social interpretivism). In this regard, 37 employed women (nurses, health workers and health worker assistants) in public and private hospitals were interviewed. The present study using semi-structured and in-depth interviews, observation and participant observation techniques is qualitative. For data analysis, the techniques of Grounded Theory were used, which consist of five procedures .Finally, by using the findings of three stages of coding (open, axial & selective), a paradigm model was achieved. The Findings achieved by the frame of paradigm model were presented as causal, contextual, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences. Defected cycle of socialization, social manner, inability of law and features of the medical staff are the most important reasons and conditions of women insecurity being created by men. Environmental – individual characteristics and social dead ends are considered as intervening and contextual conditions. Encountering methods as well as (mental, social, religious and familial) degradation were also explored in the frame of strategies and consequences of such problem. Therefore, by analyzing the interviews of 37 employed women in hospital through using Grounded Theory and by considering primary concepts and central categories, it was found out that the underlying weaknesses, as regards women insecurity, lie in social, legal and organizational factors.


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