Domestic violence: The qualitative analysis of influencing factors on Mariticide between women and men (Case study: Isfahan’s prisoners)

Document Type : Research Paper



The main objective of the research is the identification of influencing factors on Mariticide and to achieve this objective, it was used of qualitative research method the data collection tools are in-depth interviews, which the main effective factors on Mariticide were obtained through encoding. The statistical community in this research are the whole men and women who at the time of research were imprisoned for Mariticide crime. Sampling method depends on the logic of qualitative sampling, in this method; the sample volume depends on the theoretical saturation, and thus, 14 persons (6 men and 8 women) were selected for the interview.
The study results illustrate that the relationship of woman with another man outside the family rules is the most important factor in women Mariticide, however; it is obliged to mention that this factor itself derives from other factors. On men Mariticide, it should be said that; the suspicion of man towards woman and the patriarchal thinking are is the most important effective factor in men Matricide. However; it should be noted to rage and anger factor as the intermediate factor during murder.


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