How Are Myths Converted to Social Problems; Socail Analysis of Myths By Dichotomic Contrast of Opportunity/Threat

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of anthropology at faculty of social sciences, Tehran University

2 Ph.D. student of anthropology at faculty of social sciences, Tehran University


What is the essence of myths? How through the experimental and anthropological research, the objective signs of influencing myths in the daily life of Iranian people, can be recorded and documented? This article toward answering this question, highlights the basic concept of structural dichotomies and their conflicts such as east/west, feminity/masculinity, industrial/traditional and... as a foundation of the research project which shows the mythical orientation reminder us any unbalancing between two poles of dichotomies afflicts the life-world of contemporary Iranian people to social problem of perplexity and short-tempered moods (moods such as absolute denounce of eastern or western styles of life). Therefore the innermost part of myth, from the phenomenological viewpoint, is moments, events and happenings occur among of Iranian's life and their communities to raise awareness of them and maybe its consequence can be transition of their life from existential forgetness (forgetting the basic importance of balance between dual poles) toward experiencing the better and well-ordered world and in accordance with mythical messages, finally starting to construction of this world again
