Living in a Pendulum; Sociological Study of the Lived Experiences of Afghan Refugees in Iran (Case study: Experiences of Afghan Refugees Residing in the Region of Koshtargah Yazd)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Social Sciences at University of Farhangian, Kurdistan,sanandaj, Iran

2 Master of Social Sciences Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Immigration as a human phenomenon has multiple effects on social, cultural and economic world life of immigrants and indigenous people. A history of three decades of conspicuous presence of Afghan refugees in the country, has doubled the need for research and study the various aspects of their lives in Iran.
The present study and the repeated visits to the neighborhood slaughterhouse of Yazd has been done in a period of about six months. Data related to this study, considering the subject matter and the method of qualitative method of grounded theory and has been collected using semi-structured interview technique. After gathering preliminary information to determine the validity and accuracy of the results several referring to the field is used.
Functionalist theories of migration, Krytz dependency theory and the theory of adsorption and desorption of Herbal and Evert Lee, form the conceptual framework of the study. Eventually factors such as political, social, economic, cultural and environmental security leads to pessimism and negative attitudes towards Afghans. The findings of our study led us to provide the Grounded theory of "being in the Pendulum". In other words, between native and immigrant a double game with strains of rejection and assimilation are ongoing
