Impact of Social Network (Telegram) on Family Relations of Couples (Tehran, 2016)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student in sociology, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch, Tehran, Iran


This study aims to investigate the impact of social networks (telegram in particular) on family relations of couples. The method used in this study is grounded theory based on qualitative data. For doing the research we had 25 informants that were couples, between 35 and 50 years old, who live in Tehran. they are member and frequent users of a social network (telegram). These couples are seemed to have some difficulties in family relations because of membership of telegram. The findings (and theory) of this research shows that being member and using of the social network (telegram) without having prior knowledge of cyber space and the nature of social networks can cause tensions between couples
