Sociological analysis of Facters Affecting on the Low Scientific Collaboration Among Faculty Members of Social Sciences Case of Study: Tehran University,Tarbiat Modares, Alameh Tabatabai, Shahid Beheshti, Kharazmi, Alzahra

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Tehran University

2 MA in Social Research, Tehran University


The basic question is: what are the Pacters Affecting on the decrease of scientific collaboration of professors of social sciences? The main objective of this study is to describe and explain the scientific collaboration among faculty members of social sciences. For the purpose of research, theoretical framework is used; Foundations of descriptive - explanatory scientific cooperation, Ben David and Merton's theory. This assumption is based on the initial question, objectives and theoretical study consisted of 3 hypothesis.
     Research Method is"quantity- survey" and the techniques  are used questionnaires to collect data. The sample size was calculated using formula Cochran, 101 Social Sciences six university professors who have been selected classification probability sampling method. For data analysis of various statistical tests, regression, correlation and path analysis were used. The research shows that” Scientific ethics”,” The interactions and scientific” scientific test and Personal Characteristics (gender, age, academic rank, marital status, etc.) on scientific collaboration have a significant impact. Based on data analysis, we can conclude that groups Scientific ethics weakness, weak interactions and communications has led Scientific cooperation resulted in social groups of six university professors the bottom is. In addition to the scientific output of professors studied very little.
