Normative Conflicts and Hypocrisy by Cinema'sAccount

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor,faculty of social sciences,Tehran University

2 PH.D, sociology


Hypocrisy as a interpersonal and social phenomenon and it's continuity in socialization experiences draw our attention to a serious social Problem.
The feature of disparity or conflict is the essential core of the concept of hypocrisy . Disparity Pairs such as words versus deeds, pretended belifes versus genuine beliefs or beliefs versus desires are resources for generatiny hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a interpersonal Phenomenon, but it is extended to social groups, institutions and social organzations. Hypocritical behaviours are two models; self - conscious hypocrisy and self - deception hypocrisy. Since, the cinema is both a social and an aesthetic occasion, Films can reflect the societies which they spring from. In fact, films reflect collective psychological tendencies and moralities of a society.
The research's framework on which this research is based, was conducted by using semiotic approach and also Goffman theatrical performance view a conceptual model of hypocrisy.
This research indicates that normative conflicts exist and that it can lead people to act hypocritical behaviours. Also socialization experiences stimulate hypocrisy. Although, moral integrity is Preached but hypocrisy is thought in society and family. It can considered two main motives: one is self - interest and second is situational pressure together with psychological factors, personality characteristics and habits. Situational pressure is sociological factor and self - interest is psycho- social factor. People definition self - interest based on other people, Groups, situational pressure and society
