A Qualitative Study of Bigenders Lived Experience Through Family and Social Interactions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professer of Sociology,Yazd University

2 M.A.in Sociology,Yazd University


The present study aims to penetrate to the heart of bigenders identity experiences in social interactions. Describing the experience and understanding of bigender identities and consequences of this state are of utmost importance for understanding the lifeworld of these people. Accordingly, the methodology of this study is qualitative and is done with an interpretative-structural approach. Using purposive sampling with 26 samples, hermaphrodite and transsexual bisexuals are deeply interviewed. Bisexuals’ lived experiences in social interactions shows that they understand the situation as sexual conflict, ambiguity of role, discrimination, rejection by parents and society, suffering from painful emotions, feelings of fear, despair, violence, conflict in interaction, and antipathy to body. Their experience and understanding refers to a range of phenomena from social rejection, exclusion, situational discrimination, to embarrassment, stigma, and social label in social interactions. Constructed meanings of these people suggest that bigender identities are experiencing complex, insecure, and difficult lifeworld
