Legal Identity and Children Without Birth Certificates

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor at Allameh Tabataba'i University, Faculty of Social Sciences

2 Ph.D Student in Social Welfare Planning


The lack of Birth Certificates means the lack of individuals` identity, persons without Birth Certificates are deprived from primary human rights and with much probably encountered to millions discriminations and inaccessibility to essential services such as health and education (UNICEF,2002). The individuals that have no legal existence have no the least support which identity documents create for persons against soon marriage, infant working, recruitment in army forces and even children smuggling .Since these people are ignored in statistics and politicians` decisions so it has been settled to legal lacks and weakness with the purpose of understanding the challenges of exercising politics in the field of this group. In order to access to the aim of the research in this range was used the analysis of documents and rules qualitative contents with inductive approach. All of the documents and laws that have been edited and approved in this field at recent years and the rules which have affected indirectly on conditions of these children have been seen as full counting.
Constructional inattention and carelessness to children and adolescents without Birth Certificates is one of the most important challenges for exercising politics in this field that furthermore their inaccessibility to education, cure services it compared with others has caused that they engage in more risks. Research findings shows that conceptual atmosphere has exclusivism approach in rules which relate to these children directly and impose “ double social exclusion “ on these children with creating exclusion social, temporal, local conditions. This matter is applied by rules that exert “symbolic harshness” in the field of “mothers rights” so that they have “implement view to motherhood rights” with choosing paternal approach. Thus it is necessary to have an approach that creates the least social inclusion for these children
