Student Dormitory and Girls' Social Pathologies (Case of Study: Student Dormitories of State Universities)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Kharazmi University


The discussion of the effect of the student dormitory space on the prevalence and deepening of social pathologies among students is always one of the most important and open discussions in universities. There is still no transparent and consensual response to this effect. By problematizing this issue and combining quantitative methods (survey with questionnaire technique) and qualitative (qualitative content analysis with a semi-structured interview and focus group discussion) and using explanatory sequential design, the paper examines the prevalence and extent of social pathologies among 2500 female students residing in residences in the 10 academic regions and 22 universities covered by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The findings showed that generally, the prevalence of social pathologies among dormitory girl students is low. The form of social pathologies among them is mainly related to sexuality and kind of friendship (friendship and sexual relationships and going parties) so that the amount of the prevalence of the relationship with the opposite sex is high among students. About a quarter of students have experienced this relationship. Besides, the most commonly used prohibited products among the students were respectively hookah, smoking cigarettes, alcohol, drug, and pipe. Results of the study, although indicating a high prevalence of the relationship with the opposite sex, seems to indicate that most of this experience is related to the time before entering university in general. So the dormitory has a partial contribution to this.


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