Investigation of rate of Youths Emigration tendency from Khuzestan Province: Subsequent Issues and underlie Factors

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Science (MSc) in demography, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Demography, University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor of Demography, University of Tehran (corresponded author)


Migration as one of the main factors of population dynamics causes important demographic, social, and economic changes in origin and destination. Khuzestan province has undergone significant changes in terms of population movements in the recent half-century, with the highest percentage of immigrants after Tehran. This study is carried out to determine the youth's tendency to migration and its effective factors in Khuzestan province using a descriptive-analytical method. The theoretical framework of the research is based on theories of attraction and exclusion, the theory of human capital, and the theory of relative deprivation. By using them and previous empirical studies, the empirical model of research has been proposed. Using a multistage cluster sampling method, 385 youths in the province were selected by random sampling method. The required information was obtained using a questionnaire, and Data analysis was performed by SPSS statistical software. The results showed that more than 77% of the youth- if the conditions are available- tend to migrate to a place other than Khuzestan province. Attitudes toward origin repulsion, attitude towards destination attractions, relative deprivation, and education influence the youth's tendency to migrate in Khuzestan province. The highest percentage of changes in the tendency to youth's migration has been attributed to the repulsive factors of the origin area, which indicates the importance of repulsive factors in Khuzestan province than the attraction factors of other regions, and the relative deprivation feeling among youth in Khuzestan province.


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