Understanding the issue of marriage in childhood From the point of view of child-married women of Khorasan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in sociology, Alzahra university, Tehran, (corresponding author)

2 .

3 Full Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Alzahra university, Tehran


 The present study seeks to understand child marriage and its causes and contexts from the perspective of child-women. The thematic analysis method was used to achieve this goal. We studied to the children-women of Khorasan Razavi province (Gonabad, Bardaskan, Torbat Heydariyeh, and Bajestan) who were married as children and were still under 18 years old. Some 41 people were interviewed. Interviews were conducted and coded. In the open coding phase, 39 concepts were obtained, which were classified in the form of 27 sub-categories and 20 main sub-categories. Finally, the main concepts of the research were categorized into seven main topics. The results of this study show that family backgrounds (restorative, disordered, broken family, etc.), social contexts (social values ​​and attitudes), cultural contexts, religious context, Individual characteristics (suitor and child-girl), economic background, and environmental conditions are among the underlying causes for child-girl marriage.


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