Intentional drug poisoning as suicide: Social contexts and consequences

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Proffesor ,the faculty of social science , Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Assistant Proffesor ,the faculty of social science , Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 M.A student in social work Allameh Tabataba'i University


Drug poisoning as a high-risk behavior is one of the most common types of poisoning and is more prevalent among young people. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the social context and consequences of drug poisoning among the youth of Pakdasht city. The method of qualitative realization and analysis of data analysis was performed using the data method of Strauss and Corbin. "Targeted" and "theoretical" sampling were used. By performing 27 in-depth interviews with young people with experience of drug poisoning who have been referred to Pakdasht Shohada Hospital, theoretical saturation has been achieved. The pivotal phenomenon is the "weakness of effective identity" which is due to the "sense of abandonment, weakness of the social authority and the sense of social inferiority". The social contexts that created this pivotal phenomenon were extracted in two macro and interpersonal dimensions. On a macro scale, these areas are: On a macro scale, these areas are: "Weakness in temporal cohesion, generational poverty, social rejection." At the interpersonal level, social contexts include "group tensions, unfulfilled sexual desires, unstable family boundaries, and premature relationships." For societal implications, 19 basic concepts were extracted, which eventually were organized into three main categories: "revenge and compensatory thinking", "disruption in social health, and "stigma and labeling social prestige". The results of this study show that young people in Pakdasht do not achieve the necessary consistency in existing social development. This situation has disrupted their "first finding meaning in society, second, their sense of shared experience with others, third, social efficiency and agency, and finally, social support."


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