The Impact of the commercialization policy of Iran on the youth educational inhabitants

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of tehran

2 Department of Economics, Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Tehran


This study focuses on the Impact of the commercialization policy of the West border provinces of Iran on the youth educational inhabitants using grounded theory approach. Hence, using group and individual semi-structured interview techniques, observation and documentation, data collected based on the grounded theory, processes, interactions and consequences of the market hegemony on the youth educational achievements have been analyzed. Through theoretical and purposive sampling, with 3 different groups of merchants (n= 13), teachers (n= 14) and students (8 groups and 7 people), the individual and group interviews have been conducted. The collected data have been classified into three main groups, 265 concepts and 54 categories. Then categories arising from the perspective of each group of participants were re-combined, and a higher level of abstraction achieved. Finally, all major categories, in 13 main categories classified again and the final core categories were coded and analyzed. Results show that, chronic poverty, environmental and industrial constraints and inefficiency of higher education as causal conditions, mental image of important others, and money are the most meaningful objectivity, cultural-educational weaknesses at the local level as intervening conditions in the hegemony of money and economism are influential factors in life. Young people encounter such a situation -the strategies of economic agency, actions of earning financial status- have adopted. This hegemony had cultural consequences such as worthlessness of education, cultural change of educational status and dropout.


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