Investigating Suicide as a elimination cycle response

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of humanities and social scinces.Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University.tehran.iran.

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Suicide, as a conscious action in hurting oneself causing death, is among the social issues of human society that is increasing day by day. Suicide epidemiological studies in Iran has shown that attempting suicide and committing an act of suicide is increasing. Using a qualitative approach and based on the grounded theory of the social and cultural reasons behind suicide attempt, the current study aims to investigate the interaction between the person who suicides and his/her family, group and society as well as its relationship with suicide attempt. Through this, the study seeks to find a more vivid image of the relationship between the factors affecting suicide attempt. A purpose-based sampling was applied in this study; the data was collecting by interviewing the subjects who attempted suicide (8 females and 2 males( and were treated in the hospitals of Tehran, Iran. The findings demonstrate that the following factors can explain the reason behind attempting suicide from the viewpoint of those who attemptedit: showing arbitrary behaviors, prohibited behaviors, and valuing romantic relationships and psychic attitudes towards marriage on an individual level. In addition, the following factors were identified as the causal conditions of attempting suicide: collapse of the power hierarchy, lack of involvement in family discussions, parental conditional support, limited interactions, individual's unwillingness to meet the needs of his/her spouse, domestic violence at family level, belief in gender differences in the expression of feelings, and lack of youth freedom in choosing favorite wife or husband in macro level. The results of the study indicated that the most obvious reason behind the suicide attempts of the subjects were being placed in the elimination cycle; a cycle that is caused by special causal, interventional,and contextual conditions.


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