Phenomonography of Street Vendors in Sanandaj

Document Type : Research Paper



Current study seeks to Phenomonography peddling among street vendors in Sanandaj City, In addition to interpreting their positions in the informal economic system, they should analyze the factors that shape and build peddlers in their social and cultural fields. In this way, we have used the relevant conceptual framework as a guide to work and conceptualization. This research has been done in the tradition of qualitative method, and the phenomenological method has been used to discover and extract categories in which participatory observation tools and in-depth interviews have been used to collect the required data. The current research field, the city of Sanandaj and Ferdowsi Street (between Azadi Square and Enghelab Square) are where we see many vendors offering a variety of goods and services. The sampling method of this research was purposeful, This means Talks have been held with people who, first, have lived experience of the phenomenon of peddling (vendors) and second, have deep knowledge and understanding of the creation of this situation (urban development agents). Based on this, using purposeful sampling and observing the maximum diversity based on age, sex and history of peddling, 21 sales and based on management history and type of device in charge, 6 interviews were conducted with urban development brokers up to data saturation stage. The information from the interviews in the phenomenological method and the principle of observing the consequential distance in this method were formulated in the form of 9 main concepts, so that based on logical communication and hierarchical character, the categories were shown in the form of a conceptual model. The concepts derived from the method studied are; peddling product of underdevelopment, The reality of borderline living (marginalization), Emptying society of social capacities, Tolerating social suffering, Invasion of prefabricated street economy, Impossible worlds of peddling, peddling as a life style, The formation of street policies, Stabilizing the underdevelopment of the informal economy. Historical conditions, geographical location, and the authoritarian and political view of development are among the important and influential factors that have made such a living world meaningful for the actors in this field.


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