Social Trust Crisis amidst the Fluidity of Social Networks Examining Social Trust through the Reaction of People on Twitter to JCPOA

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,

2 PHD Student; Department of Computer Engineering of Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Master of Sociology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Social trust as a binder of social solidarity is the foundation of society. In recent years researches show a decrease in social trust in its organizational and formal dimensions. On the other hand, in recent years we have faced a growing trend of using the Internet and social networks, which means quick access to a lot of news and data about social events. It seems that in the new situation, the expansion of global communication through the Internet and social networks has also affected the social trust construction. In this situation Informal organizations, active groups and even individuals have had a significant impact on the direction of social trust through cyberspace activities. In this article, we have tried to measure the level of social trust by using modern data mining methods by monitoring Twitter data. For this purpose, tweets are categorized based on trust, distrust and neutral. The predictive model measures the average of trust based on regression equation by monitoring tweets. After that the correlation distrust with the value of capital goods, in particular the Bahar Azadi gold coin and the dollar, has also been examined. The results show that negative news about JCPOA increases users' distrust. The spread of negative news and uncertainty about the future cause fluctuations and rising prices of capital goods such as currency and coins. In other words, distrust and social instability increase tensions in the capital goods market and Untrusted future increase demand of capital goods like coins and currencies to keep it safe from future risks.


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