The Effect of Social Deprivation on the Norm of Honesty Multiple Case Study of Occupational Groups in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D in Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University


The purpose of this study is to identify the status of various types of deprivation in society and their effect on the social norm of honesty. Since the norm of honesty plays an important role in social order, the theory explains the research of Chalabi theory (with emphasis on the ethics of responsibility). In measuring deprivation, four dimensions of economic, political, social and cultural; and in measuring the norm, honesty, perception of the norm in society and readiness to observe norms (in the general or specific radius) and its moral value have been considered. This study is based on multiple case studies with in-house survey method. They were the main criteria in selecting jobs and 381 employed people (job groups of worker, bank employee, master, officer, captain, lawyer, practical nurse, nurse, doctor, teacher and university professor) were selected. The weakness of the norm of honesty, which is accompanied by an increase (respectively) in the rate of social, political, economic and cultural deprivation, indicates a kind of normative disorder (of the type of normative weakness) in society, which is facilitated by a set of social deprivations. The percentage of changes in the statistical model can be explained.


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