Reproduction of Educational Inequality during the Corona Pandemic

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan

3 Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan


   The present study follows the narratives of secondary school principals about the reproduction of educational inequality in the context of the Corona virus pandemic. Educational equality shows itself in the equal use of educational opportunities and facilities, which is one of the main challenges in the current situation of the Iranian educational system. The spread of the coronavirus has posed many challenges for educators, teachers, parents and students. However, these challenges do not affect everyone equally and vary along with access to educational facilities, access to educational spaces, and the social, economic, and cultural capital of families. This study, according to Bourdieu, Elich and Coleman's theories, discusses educational inequality and using the method of narrative analysis and in-depth interviews with 3 high school principals in Sanandaj, analyzes and explains how to reproduce educational inequality in Sanandaj. The results of this study show the classification of education and unequal reproduction of education in the study population. This category, as a core one, shows that education, which should be seen as a tool for social mobility, positive change, and access to opportunities for all, has become increasingly class-based. Social and cultural distinction, inclination towards non-governmental schools, lack of access to education for all in the context of covid19, and the poverty of families and the educational damage caused by those four categories indicate the classification of education. The results also show that in the context of the outbreak of coronavirus, the challenges of cyberspace dominance over education and lack of access to all students, diminished education and reduced educational functions of schools and poverty of families in the slums and suburbs cause The field of educational inequality has been created.


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