The Power Relations in the Academic Staff-Student Interactions on the Context of Virtual Classroom

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in cultural sociology, faculty member of Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: Following the expansion of Online classes in the past year (due to COVID-19), it seems necessary to inquire the virtual lived experience “on” the university classes in the various aspects and knowledge interests of sociological and communicative researches. Among issues, the interpretation of action relation changes on the virtual context is of importance. In this article, applying the theoretical basics about the analysis of the control and power relations “on” the classroom, the researcher seeks to pursue the newborn and exploratory problem considering the virtual space requirements. For the mentioned purpose, the method of the semi-structured interview has been applied, 30 interviews to reach saturation. Then, the results of the interview analysis have been articulated in seven axes, some significant themes are as follow: the power of silence, defective scientific action, abilities of the virtual personality, commodification and exchangeability of trust and honesty, beginning of the semi-flattened hierarchy, power of fantastical sense, and the sense of latitude.


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