The Consequences of Street Life for Work Girls

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Women and Family Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Women's Studies (Woman and Family), Alzahra University


The current paper is based on a qualitative study in which the consequences and outcomes of street life for work girls in Tehran have been investigated. In order to collect data, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 girls (aged 8 to 16 years) who had the experience of working on the streets. The data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. The findings of this research demonstrate that    the consequences and outcomes of the presence of work girls on the streets can be categorized into the three main categories of ‘street dangers and distorted girlhood’, ‘helplessness together with constant fears and anxieties’, also ‘the girls’ disrupted childhood and the poverty cycle’. Moreover, the findings of the current research indicate that the participants’ strategies in coping with the phenomenon of their work on the streets can also be categorized into four main classifications of ‘marriage’, ‘adherence to religious values’, ‘creating home employment’, and ‘wishing to return home’. Overall, the results of this research demonstrate that although work in the streets has many negative consequences and outcomes for work girls, their work (influenced by their inferior position in the society, the conflict of expectations and role models with gender, and gender relations) has additional and long-term consequences for them.


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