Analysis of Contexts and Consequences of Hookah Socialization among Youth

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Sociology in Yazd University

2 Associate Professor of Sociology in Yazd University

3 Ph.D. Student in Sociology, Yazd University


Nowadays, one of the social problems that is causing the society and especially the youth face with crisis as well as with personal and social harm is the presence of people, especially young people in traditional tea houses and restaurants to smoke. This study has attempted to investigate the dynamics that shape the hookah smoking. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study is to conduct a qualitative study of what forms hookah smoking among Yazd youth. For this purpose, in the framework of qualitative methodology and using grounded theory, a number of 15-29 year old youths from Yazd were interviewed through in-depth interviews and purposeful and theoretical sampling. Data were collected and analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding. The research findings included 589 propositions, 105 concepts, and 33 categories, and one core category was "hookah social acceptance". Accordingly, a table of extracted propositions, concepts and categories and a paradigmatic model of research were presented. Overall, the results indicate that age at onset of hookah smoking occurred for the first time in the 15-20 age group. Being in this age range increases the likelihood of people smoking (hookah and smoking). Gender (being male and female) is not different in smoking habits. And most importantly, the use of hookah in the community and among families is associated with acceptance. So that the family provides different contexts for hookah smoking and is one of the companions that accompany young people in hookah consumption.


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