The Language of Suffering: Frame Analysis of the Poverty and Poor people in Iranian Media

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Communication of Science and Technology, Faculty of Cultural Studies and Communication, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies



In order to determine the role of the US withdrawal from Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) in 2018 in the evolution and change of the poverty framing, this study analyzes how poverty is framed in two categories of specialized (including leadership, Dolat, Mizan, Icana) and general websites (including Fars, Moj and Young Journalists Club) during 2017, 2018 and 2019. For this, it uses Framing as a theory, and the technique of Pan and Kosicki’s Frame analysis as a research method. Findings are categorized in four groups as syntactical, script, thematic, and rhetorical. The review indicates that 42,302 news and reports are distributed in these websites in the research period that 275 were identified as samples and recorded and analyzed in Maxquda software. The results show that, except for the Young Journalists Club, the way poverty is framed has changed on all cases since the imposition of sanctions, and sanctions highlighted as one of the main causes of poverty in the framing of poverty. In regard of agenda setting, the coverage of poverty news and reports is less than 10%; the poverty news coverage has been declining over the three years under study. The websites of Leadership and Moj have the largest coverage, and Young Journalists Club has the least amount (less than 1%) of coverage. Due to his type of agenda setting, the problem of poverty is marginalized in public opinion. The framing of poverty with emphasis on the US withdrawal from JCPA as the cause of poverty represent poverty as a temporary issue, silences the voice of the poor, and depicts the emergence of a new social form in Iranian society.


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