A qualitative study of violence among child wives in Chabahar city: conditions, strategies and consequences

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Kharazmi University

2 PhD Student in Sociology, Kharazmi University



The present research studied the (causal, contextual, and intervening) conditions, strategies, and consequences of violence in the lives of child wives in Chabahar city, conducted with a qualitative methodology based on grounded theory. For this purpose, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 child-married girls in Chabahar city who were selected through theoretical sampling and snowball method. The analysis of the data in the framework of the three-level open, axial and selective coding system showed that gendered inequality and discrimination, women's inferiority, men's value, the culture of silence and the culture of violence play a role in the experience of child-wives in terms of violence (causal conditions), which leads to a type of increased, double violence for them (core category); violence that operates within the framework of the family institution, the main mechanism of which are previous traditions and rules, and the perpetrators of which are men and women who were themselves the victims of the same traditions and rules that they have, now, internalized and used again against their daughters. This increased violence happens in a context where patriarchy is widespread (contextual conditions) and due to the generalized self-deprecation among child wives (intervening conditions), they may attempt to escape, get separated, threaten, and commit suicide (strategies), and these actions have consequences such as symbolic, physical, and sexual violence and even social isolation (consequences).


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