Examining the behavior of littering in Iran with the approach of causal layer analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the academic staff of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Law and Human Sciences, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 Member of the academic staff of the Department of Management, Faculty of Law and Human Sciences, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

3 Doctoral student of sociology majoring in the study of social issues, Faculty of Law and Human Sciences, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran



Environment and its conservation is one of the present issues in risky modern life. Although, the present world has been improving during last years, it hasn’t been able to solve environmental problems and it has caused its deterioration. Littering in jungle, seashore, public places and passages is one of the significant environmental issues in society of Iran. The Purpose of the present study is investigation of the reasons of littering formation by the approach of Causal Layered Analyses (CLA) and planning scenario. The present study analyzed the layers forming the present social issue and searched the origin of it. In order to accomplish this study, 15 experts in environment and society were interviewed by Qualitative and exploring method and applying deep interview technique. Then, after exploiting the contents and content analysis of interviews, their opinions presented in 4 forms as litany, systematic, discourse analysis and metaphor. By applying the present discourses, the gap between state-people and people-people were recognized as important variables and were applied in presenting scenario. Finally 4 scenarios presented in a diagram which can help strategists and officials of the society.


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