An exploration of violence and child abuse in Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Sociology at Velayat University, Iranshahr



The present research was conducted with the aim of the relationship between social factors and family violence against children (child abuse). The used method was a survey and the data collection tool was also a questionnaire. From a total of 155 families with a history of child abuse based on the social emergency statistics of Tehran in the last 6 months of 1397, 110 families (parents with one or more children) were selected in District 9 of Tehran Municipality. The random sampling method was simple. In the present study, children under 11 years (6-11 years) were defined as the age range of children and family violence was also defined as violence applied by parents, older siblings. Research hypotheses were tested with SPSS statistical software through Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results showed that the experience of violence has a positive relationship with psychological violence, physical violence, neglect against children and family violence against children. In other results, it was found that violence-oriented mentality has a positive relationship with psychological violence, physical violence, neglect against children and family violence against children. In the continuation of the obtained results, the positive relationship of family problems with mental violence, physical violence and neglect against children and family violence against children was confirmed and it was found that gender stereotypes have a positive relationship with mental violence, physical violence and neglect against children and family violence against children. Finally, in the main hypothesis, the results showed: social factors have a positive relationship with psychological violence, physical violence and neglect against children and family violence against children.


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