Conceptual Analysis of Child Labour from the Perspective of Social Experts in Shiraz Metropolis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Planning, Shiraz University

2 Associate Professor, Shiraz University

3 PH.D of sociology, Shiraz university

4 Graduated, Shiraz University

5 Ph.D Student Shiraz University

6 M. A student Shiraz University



The present study was conducted by examining the views of relevant experts and their exposure to child labor in Shiraz. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and analyzed based on grounded theory. Ten axial categories and one core category were extracted from the coding process. The core category was developed under the title of "institutional passivity and sectoralism". The results of the research showed that the causal conditions such as incompatibility and institutional and managerial confusion, diversity of perspectives to the phenomenon of child labor and non-governmental organizations and indifference towards child labor has caused the emergence of this phenomenon. Intervening conditions include: negative representation and conflicting media activities, Inhibition of some domestic and international rules and laws and child labor of nationals and the problem of identification and identity. This central phenomenon is located in special conditions and contexts due to family pressure and starting the work process in childhood, child labor as an income generating industry, child labor as a source of financial support for the family and the unique opportunity for working children, and Shiraz's oppurtunities for immigrants. The type of encounter with working children in Shiraz has caused numerous consequences that can be seen Unreasonable increase of child labor of nationals, Failure to contain and control the problem of working children, lack of proper organization and social support of working children, Anonymity of working children and persuasion and encouragement of nationals to immigrate to Shiraz.


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