Family and religious socialization in the years leading to the Islamic revolution; A case study of academic women

Document Type : Research Paper


Master of Sociology from Tehran University



Religion is one of the long-standing institutions of human collective life. Continuity and transmission of religious teachings from one generation to another depends on the facilities and mechanisms used. The role of the family as one of the most important social institutions has been one of the most determining elements of the cultural destiny of societies. This article tries to reread the religiosity experience of academic women in the last decade of the Islamic Revolution, in the context of relationships, one of the most important channels of religious socialization, that is, the family. To achieve the mentioned goal, this research has put a phenomenological approach in its agenda. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with 14 women who were academics in the years leading up to the Islamic revolution. The studies conducted show that despite the apparent differences in terms of religious commitments among families, in the midst of diverse experiences of religiosity or religious disobedience, one can see the effort of the Iranian family to protect its "internality"; Religious experiences (or non-religious positions) and family have mutually supported each other's position and internal norms.


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