Sociological Thinking on sexology, behaviors and sexual attitudes of young people (Case study of Tehran university students)

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran; Tehran Iran



The purpose of this research is to explain the sociological beliefs, behaviors and sexual understanding of young people. With a combined approach, this research used the phenomenology method to discover the problem and the survey method for the exploratory study of sexual tendencies. Factors and concepts obtained from in-depth interviews were tested in the form of a design model and survey. The phenomenology section included 19 young people who were selected by chain sampling. For data analysis, Colaizzi‌‌-method was used, and the validity and reliability of the study was checked by the Lincoln-Guba method. In the survey, the population of Tehran university students and the sample size of 400 people were selected using Cochran's formula. In data analysis, one-way variance analysis, regression and path analysis were used. Concepts in the form of typology were extracted from the phenomenological findings, which include extramarital sexual relations, cohabitation, intercourse, sexual diversity, simultaneous relationships with several people, sexual interactions as leisure behavior, girls as a stimulus and precursor, representation of the body. as physical-social capital and the fluidity of young people's relationships. The results of multivariate regression and path analysis showed that the decline of religious values is effective directly and through the influence on the individualism of sexual orientation. Media affects sexual tendencies directly and through influencing individualism and consumerism. The reference group has a direct and through influence on the consumerism of young people's sexual orientations. Filial piety in the family power structure and social trust has an effect on sexual tendencies


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