Imaging of children with covid 19: story line of experiences from Tehran children' s hospital

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, department of social science education, Farhangian university, Tehran. Iran

2 Assistant professor, department of social science, faculty of social sciences and economics, Alzahra university, Tehran. Iran



The Covid-19 epidemic has become a socio-medical problem worldwide, affecting many people, including children. The aim of this study was to investigate the life experience of children with Covid-19. Children have experienced short- or medium-term hospitalization due to the severity of the illness. To achieve the purpose of the research, he has used a qualitative method with a phenomenological interpretive approach. For this purpose, semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with 14 infected children, and purposive sampling method was used to select them. Findings from the study were divided into three main categories: pre-infection (virus ignorance and difference in significance), intra-infection (delayed admission, increased pain experience, increased fear and increasing discomfort), and post-infection (exacerbation of isolationism). Requirements of health, social stigma, subjective feelings of powerlessness, feelings of psychological insecurity due to news-media coverage, psychological breaks, maternal focus, and skepticism about divine justice were categorized and described. According to the research findings, effective models such as rehabilitation, especially physical and emotional-psychological rehabilitation, should be used to alleviate, moderate, compensate and repair the adverse effects of Quid-19 in affected children so that their lives can be improved. Return to normal and pre-experienced state.


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