From experience to abuse: a phenomenological view of addiction

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences; Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz; Ahvaz; Iran.



Substance abuse should be considered one of the most important social problems in the last two centuries. This problem has faced society with major cultural, health and economic challenges at individual, family and institutions levels. Unfortunately, preventive programs of governments and international organizations have not been very successful in managing and controlling this social damage. Thus, in this article, we seek to present a more detailed picture of this social issue. We will study people's lived experiences of substance abuse with the phenomenological methodology. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with members of Congress revival of the human population 60, Ahvaz branch. Until reaching the theoretical saturation, interviews were conducted with 34 members of this NGO who were selected by the purposeful sampling method. The result of the analysis was conceptualized using the Colaizzi method in the central theme of Bermuda repetition use. This theme is the result of the theoretical abstraction of the three main themes of parenting, such as social skills, interpretive reproduction of drug use, and sexuality. The Bermuda of repeated use indicates the fact that institutional dysfunction in the three fields of family, education, and leisure, play an important role in explaining the repeated use of drugs in teenagers and youth people. This finding emphasizes the point that despite the importance of access to drugs in the consumption experience, the continued use and high rate of drug abuse among teenagers and young people should be found in the institutional inefficiency of these three social fields.


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