From Normality to norm-breaking: Typology of social conformity and qualitative analysis of causal conditions affecting it ffecting

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, sociology Department, University of tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student, Kharazmi University, Iran


Increasing crime rates in recent years in Iran -especially in Tehran- have highlighted the subject of conformity with social norms. In the meantime, the study of the situations and conditions that create action (based on normality or norm-breaking, based on the narrative of social actors and the presentation of a typology of conformity or non-conformity types) is a largely neglected field in Iranian sociology.
Therefore, this study adopts a qualitative methodology and uses a semi-structured deep interview technique and interviews with 19 men and women living in Tehran and seeks to explore the various dimensions of conformity and the causal conditions affecting it from the perspective of social activists.
The results of this study indicate that Individuals are informed on the basis of " theoretical consciousness" from existence reasons of a  social norm and they can recognize a normative fact based on "consequential consciousness" and they can aware from the consequences of  conformity with social norms or deviation of them. also, when individuals encounter a norm, they refer to its possible consequences (positive or negative) and then they decide to action. Therefore, consequences and its calculation are the most important factors of conformity with the norm.
On the one hand, inner drives (attraction) based on pleasure or anti-sociality Lack of opportunities and obstruction of legitimate ways to achieve purposes are effective on social conformity and on the other hand, the cultural resistance of various subcultures in society, such as the subculture of the youth or the upper classes of society is accompanied by a kind of deviation and intentional conflict with dominant norms (in order to challenge the ruling power) that this issue greatly reduces the degree of conformity.
Accordingly, different types of conformity are: conformity based on commitment, conformity based on benefit, conformity based on compulsion and conformity based on habit. Types of norm-breaking are: norm-breaking based on neglect, norm-breaking based on intentional, norm-breaking based on benefit, norm-breaking based on compulsion and norm-breaking based on habit.


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