A Study of the effect of Social Networks and Participation on Social Exclusion of women (case of study: women of Urmia)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Tehran

2 Postgraduate studentof Anthropology, University of Tehran


The aim of this research is to study the effect of the social networks and participation on social exclusion among women in Urmia. Survey method was used and 430 women were selected by probable- quotient sampling. To determine the correlation between social networks and participation as independent variables and social exclusion as dependent on, Pierson test was used. The findings showed that there was Reverse correlation between social exclusion and independent variables. That meant by increasing the amount of participation and using social networks, we could decrease social exclusion. Also by using stepwise Regression, 22 percent of social exclusion was determined by the variables used in the research and participation had more strong effect on determining social exclusion. So findings could be useful for making policies to decrease social exclusion among women who were half of the society to reach social and total development


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