From Diversity of Criminal Judgments in Violent Theft: The Role of Defendant's Social Backgrounds (Field Study of Prosecution Center and Criminal Court of Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University Of Tehran

2 MA in Sociology (Youth Studies), University Of Tehran


Study of relationship between violent theft defendant’s social backgrounds and judgment can express the social contexts of law and it’s true definition. The main problems, we are going to address is that: which kind of defendant’s familial and social backgrounds influence on criminal procedure from entrance to prosecution service until enforcement stage? How does criminal system react to them through their social status? Classifying relevant theoretical patterns, we concluded to two common functional and conflict perspectives in order to answer the questions and enter our research field. Qualitative method in particular tools like interview, documents analysis and observation in especial-prosecution-center of robbery, prosecution center of 12th district and second-criminal-court of Tehran helped us address our problems. Findings show that familial and social backgrounds like gender, generation, socio-economical statute, ethnicity and nationality influence on criminal procedure of violent theft. Judges consider these factors as one of  the main axis of their reasoning while judging that are some rules and cliché  rising from social structure, culture, religion, economy and… ..


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