The Experience of Social Stigma and the Spoiled Identity of Mothers with Autistic Children

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of social sciences faculty of Allaame-Tabataba’I

2 PhD student of social problems, Shahid Beheshti university

3 Master of psychology and education of exceptional children, university of Tehran

4 Master of rehabilitation management, Iran university of medical sciences


Social stigma is a ravaging humiliation felt by autistic individuals and their families commonly face in the society. In this research, 20 mothers and 10 fathers of autistic children in Tehran, have been interviewed. In the interviews, they were asked about their daily routines, leisure activities at home, with family and in society, and their life styles and presence in public sphere. Based on the outcomes of this research, mothers have experienced more labels than fathers, within their own families, relatives, friends and strangers. Also both of them, have experienced similar stigmatization by the doctors who diagnosed their children with autism. They have been humiliated mostly by being stared at, getting abused vocally, and being bullied by adults and by children at the same age. Also women have stigmatized more than men. Furthermore, mothers, when they faced stigma, have chosen strategies like running away from the situation, bribery to the child, isolation, aggression and explanatory strategy along their specific personal strategies.


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