Etiology of Women’s addiction (A Comparative Study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Senior Research Substance Abuse and Dependence Research Centre, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Sociology. Razi Universit, Kermanshah, Iran


This Paper with a sociological approach tries to study the etiology of women's addiction, and its main goal is comparing three different views in this field (view of ‘Women with illicit drug’ use, ‘women with non use’, and ‘the Experts’). Furthermore, the view of two groups of women with addiction (include under-treatment and not-under-treatment) has been studied.
The Methods of data collection has been quantitative and qualitative. The sample of Women with illicit drug use was 768 and sample of women with non use was 402 and the experts were 6.
According to the findings, there is a significant difference between the views of three groups. ‘Women with illicit drug use’ Focused on ‘structural factors’, while the ‘women with non use’ and the Experts has insisted on individual voluntary action such as Identification  and Power-achievement.


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