Dimentions of Anomie: A Sociological Explanation (Case of Study: High School Students in Illam Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Condidate in Sociology, Azad University, Dehghan

2 Professor of Sociology Esfehan University

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology Azad University Khorasgan


Anomie is one of the prevalent concerns in modern communities. Anomie is a social problem or modern society illness. it is not only unknown illness, but also transmitted to post modern era.
Present research attempts to consider the Sociological determination of anomie aspects (cultural, social, economic and political) in female youth in Ilam province. Research method is statistical and data gathering tool is a questionnaire. Statistical community consist of whole female youth in Ilam province, training in 111 2nd secondary schools during 2016-2017 schooling year, totally 7446 subjects. Among them,400 individuals were selected as samples. Primarily, multistage clustering method was used to determine these schools, then proportional classified sampling method to select individuals. Sociological determination of Anomie aspects (case study: female youth in Ilam province) was addressed in the context of 15 hypotheses and the following results were obtained: after introducing independent variables in regressional analysis, based of forwarding method, during three stages, the following variables were meaningful: inequality feeling, prospection, culture missing, social security feeling, inter personal confidence and family supervision. Meaningfulness of these variables have been as following: inequality feeling (.418), prospection (0.212), cultural missing (0.200), social security feeling (0.135). interpersonal confidence (0.123).


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