Modernism And Social Capital Of Iranian Family (The Case study of Tehran City)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Sociology , Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch


As the most important and fundamental shelter of human safety and security, family has gone under different changes and transforms as a result and consequence of modernism and modernity within societies. Meanwhile, the Iranian society seems to be such affected as to accommodate various typologies and to transform its social capital in one way or another. This paper aims to identify these typologies and to compare social capitals of families in the scope of research study. The methodology used is survey and documentary.  The assumption in this research have been:1) The traditional-oriented renovation corresponds the social capital of the family.2) The ongoing modern renovation has the greatest impact on the reduction of social capital in Iranian families. 3) The postmodern renovation increases the social capital in Iranian families. The results from this survey show the emergence of different family typologies in the Iranian society. They also shows a meaningful relation between renovation rate and social capital. To generate the index measures, the expertise ideas (dialectic approach towards social phenomena), the index measure of the author, and ideas of social capital experts (Putnam, Coleman, Bourdieu, Ghoshal, Petry, Ruskanen) have been employed. The theoretical framework of research is a hybrid approach


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