Job capital, job stability and the reproduction of social inequality during the Corona pandemic

Document Type : Research Paper


Member of the Faculty of Sociology Department of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



One of the very important consequences of the Corona epidemic was the intensification of social stratification and the reproduction of social inequality through the stability or instability of employment. Many jobs have been affected by the conditions of the corona disease and have had different experiences in job stability. Job stability means that the employee can play a role in his job role and use his job capital despite the presence of some pressures. Job stability shows itself in the form of no change in job, increase in working hours, remote work, online sales, business boom, etc. It seems that businesses with higher job capital are more stable and flexible in the face of economic and social crises. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job capital, job stability and the reproduction of social inequality in the Corona era. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted among Iranian workers and 1250 people were interviewed. The findings show that during the Corona period, businesses that had higher job capital had higher job stability, and were less exposed to job loss and job injury, and in this way, they had an impact on stabilizing and intensifying social inequality.


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