The study of sexuality situation in Iran with a multidisciplinary approach; A systematic review in identifying and prioritizing problems.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quran and Psychology of Al-Mustafa Society, Khorasan Branch, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Director of Islamic Sexual Health Studies and Social Policy Monitoring Institute (SEJA), Mashhad, Iran



Sexuality has been studied in different approaches and fields such as socio-cultural, bio-medical, psychological, legal and religious approaches.In this research, all domestic researches related to sexuality in Iran (95 researches) that have been published in the last 30 years have been studied in order to sum up the evidences of various studies regarding the sexuality in different groups of Iranian society, and to obtain the priority problems of this field.The result of the systematic review study is that although some emphasize the sexual crisis and sexual revolution in Iran, there are no signs of a sexual revolution in Iran, at the same time, the growth of sexual deviations in Iran is significant, which can facilitate the sexual revolution. The main sexual deviation in boys at a young age and between puberty and marriage is masturbation. In order of importance, the most popular users in cyberspace are pornographic clips, pornographic photos, pornographic stories, non-pornographic content,members' discussions and advertisements. At least one tenth of young women and about one third of young men in Iran have sex before marriage, and the average age of sex is 24 years.The majority of sexual abuse occurred under the age of 28 and decreased with age.


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